In my dream, I was with my ex-husband. We were at the same place but different areas. It seemed as if this took place in the future because there was technology that doesn't exist. The technology we were using was a FaceTime type of technology but we could do certain things, he was mad at me then he said he was turning my brain into mush. So, I got sugar and poured it on a table that was lit, the I had something that was glass and I put paper on top of them both. The. I grabbed a rock and began to beat the glass, broke it and continued to smash the glass and sugar together. I yelled at him that I was smashing his brain into mush. I repeated it many times over. I know I was casting a spell on him. Then, my dream skip to a calmer moment, he was in the same room as I was and the spell was working and I was walking barefoot, being careful to not step on any shards of glass.
Dreams often reflect our subconscious thoughts, emotions, and unresolved feelings. In your dream, there are several key elements that can provide insight into its meaning:
Ex-Husband: Your ex-husband likely represents unresolved issues or emotions related to your past relationship. Seeing him in a futuristic setting suggests that you are processing these feelings in a new light or looking at them from a different perspective.
Technology: The advanced technology may indicate that you are contemplating how relationships evolve and how communication can transform over time. This might also represent a desire for better understanding or connection.
Conflict and Anger: His anger and the phrase "turning my brain into mush" suggest feelings of frustration or resentment that may still linger regarding your relationship. This can symbolize feelings of being overwhelmed or misunderstood.
The Glass and Sugar: The act of pouring sugar on a lit table and then smashing glass may represent a delicate balance between sweetness (sugar) and pain or destruction (glass). This could symbolize your need to reconcile the good and the bad aspects of your past.
Casting a Spell: The idea of casting a spell indicates a desire for control or power over the situation, particularly regarding your feelings toward him. This may symbolize a wish to transform or influence the relationship dynamics or emotions.
Careful Walking: Walking barefoot and avoiding glass shards suggests that while you are moving forward, you remain cautious and aware of the potential pain or consequences of your past interactions.
Overall, this dream seems to reflect a process of resolving past emotions, confronting anger or frustration, and seeking a way to transform these feelings into something more manageable. It indicates that you are actively engaging with your past, perhaps trying to understand it better, while also being mindful of how it impacts your present life. The dream seems to convey a journey from conflict to resolution, urging you to find a way to heal and move forward.